Hi guys
I hope you are still going strong and prepared for the looooong weekend ahead.
We are open this Saturday from 7:30 -10am if you would like a smoothie, cappuccino or supplements . We are also taking orders for BLT bagels, mince pies and pizza cups. (These are all extremely low carb and made with almond flour) Please give me a shout by tomorrow if you would like to order.
We had a heavy week in the gym and everyone still seems very motivated. It’s so refreshing to see how much effort so many are putting in to stay low carb and sugar free. Check out Monique doing a killer box jump above 🙂

Today we had a fun Ninja Kiddies class.
I’m sure the mommy’s were pleased to see them get rid of some of that built up energy
We try and do lots of variety. Cardio, hand eye coordination, core training and speed + agility exercises which helps with sports performance.
Its 35mins every Thursday 3:15pm.

On a side note…
I was at Woolies earlier today and found some soup which is low in kj. There is a variety of flavours as well.
Best options: Btternut, Tomato and Chicken. The other flavours are quite a bit higher so stick to these three.
It’s a low 79 cal for the entire serving. This is the perfect snack, especially when it’s cold. I haven’t tried any of them out yet, I just bought one of each flavour flavour and I’ll replace some of the snacks this weekend with this soup. Fingers crossed It tastes great ??
I also bought a pack of these below. They are low carb (1g) and only 158 cal per serving. These are great before a workout! I buy the bulk pack which comes with 5 separate servings. This is ideal because your portion is controlled for you. If you buy the big packet it becomes very difficult to stick to only 30 grams. Nuts are healthy but only good for your waistline when consumed in small amounts. A good rule of thumb is a small handful.

Please revert back to day 2 for the meals for today (Just a reminder we are repeating the first weeks meals so you can plan ahead)
Have a fabulous evening
Till tomorrow….