Exercise and pregnancy

Hi guys

I’ve had a couple ladies show some concern with exercising while pregnant.

What’s the low down?

Can you train and stay active while making sure that your baby stays safe?

In most cases exercise is safe during pregnancy and even recommended for many reasons which you will see below.

If you were active before your pregnancy it’s usually safe to continue throughout your pregnancy. (I gave a spinning class just a couple days before Cole was born? – Keeping in mind that I had been giving classes for a couple years before, so it was considered a safe decision)

More than likely, your doctor will tell you to stay active, as long as it is comfortable and there are no other health conditions suggesting otherwise.

Exercising for just 30 minutes on most days can benefit your physical and mental health throughout your pregnancy.

I was more active during my second pregnancy and I felt a lot less uncomfortable.  I also felt more confident and less self conscious ? The best part was an easy delivery and recovery.

We have introduced a 30 min personal training session focusing on specific exercises for pregnant ladies which will offer a ton of benefits? Check it out


Remember to always check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns related to exercising. Make sure that you are always comfortable while doing exercises and most importantly try and enjoy the journey (and sleep while you can?)

Happy Tuesday?


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